3 days birding tour in Da Lat city and Bidoup Nuiba National Park

With this Birding and Birds Photography tour,  we will have time at Dalat City and Bidoup Nuiba national parks bird-spots, which has a nice climate with an altitude of 1000-1600m above sea level, a terrestrial island of the southern geographical region of Vietnam, with more than 12 species of endemic and near-endemic birds.

  • Day 1: Da lat city bird-spots – Bidoup Nui Ba National park.
  • Day 2: Bidoup Nui Ba National park.
  • Day 3: Bidoup Nui Ba National park – Da lat city bird-spots.


3 days birding tour in Da Lat city and Bidoup Nuiba National Park

Is this an attractive bird watching tour in Vietnam?

The total number of endemic bird species in Vietnam is 18, so only Da Lat city and Bidoup Nui Ba National Park have 12 endemic species in Vietnam.
Natural conditions have turned this place into a terrestrial island, geographically isolated from the Himalayas for tens of millions of years, turning the birds here into separate and endemic species.

Bidoup Nuiba national park stretching over 120km of Langbian plateau, home to the most diverse ecosystem in Vietnam. Bird watching tours are also divided into regions, with each site having its own distinct species characteristics. Visitors will have 2 days in the primeval evergreen forest to see and photograph the beautiful birds. Then a day for some bird-spots at the ecosystem of coniferous forests, pine trees mixed with broadleaf forest. 

What are the bird targets of this bird-watching trip? 

While at broadleave evergreen forest in Bidoup Nuiba National Park, we will encounter some typical birds such as Collared Laughingthrush, Black-hooded Laughingthrush, White-cheeked laughingthrush, Black-crowned Fulvetta, Grey-crowned Crocias, Indochinese Green Magpie, Yellow crowned Green Magpie, Blue Pitta, Rusty-naped Pitta, Grey-bellied Tesia,Yellow-billed Nuthatch, Pygmy Wren-babbler, Spotted forktail, Slaty-backed forktail, Rufous-throated Partridge, Black-headed Sibia, Snowy-browed Flycatcher, Yellow-cheeked Tit, Blyth’s leaf warbler, White spectacled Warbler, Chestnut crowned Warbler, Hume’s Treecreeper …

In the mixed forest of pines, we can see Vietnamese Cutia, Vietnamese Greenfinch, Annam Minivet, Langbian Tit, Red-crossbill, Chestnut-vented Nuthatch, Slender-billed Oriole, Burmese shrike, Large woodshrike, Vineous breasted Starling …

And more nice birds around Da lat city like: Annam Barbet, Grey-crowned Tit, Langbian Sunbird, Annam Sunbirds, Plain Minla,  Dalat bush-warbler, Scaly thrush, Orange-headed thrush, Mugimaki Flycatcher, Verditer flycatcher, Little pied Flycatcher, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Kloss leaf warbler,

When is the best time to visit Dalat and Bidoup Nuiba for birding? 

Endemic and native birds in the Langbian Plateau are in this area at all times of the year. However, if coming here during the rainy season, visitors probably to getting wet, and cold; the dense fog reduces the attractiveness of the journey. Therefore, the advice of Vietnambirds for the birder is to come to Bidoup Nuiba NP and Da Lat city on a sunny time. The best time is from November to May in next year. If outside of this period, we will look at the short-term weather before starting the journey.

A bird-watching tour and combines with other travel ?

Da Lat city is a tourist city, in addition to bird watching time, you also have time to visit Dalat night market which is always bustling with thousands of tourists every night. There sell all kinds of souvenirs and local specialties for tourists.
The coffee grown here is also of excellent quality.
In addition, all special Vietnamese dishes are served in Da Lat city.

Bird images in previous tours: