To answer this question, simply listing places is too simple and does not provide a complete overview for birders who want to learn about wildlife and birdwatching in Vietnam.
Wild natural wonders in Cat Tien
Wild butterflies, Germain’s peacock pheasant or Pygmy Loris in Cat Tien National Park come to life through the lens of wildlife guide Andy Nguyen.
Fansipan Mountain Birding Trip
A story of Fansipan mountain and Sapa town birding trip. Not only birding, we have time to enjoy with foods, ethnic people culture, tradition wine and climb.
Indochinese green magpie – Yellow-breasted magpie
The Indochinese green magpie (yellow-breasted magpie – Cissa hypoleuca) is a passerine bird of the crow family, Corvidae.
Germain’s Peacock Pheasant
The Germain’s Peacock Pheasant is endemic to Vietnam, a rare and precious species protected in the Vietnam Red Book, the IUCN World Red Book. Germain’s Peacock Pheasant in Vietnam’s Natural Habitat This is an extremely precious resource, we must preserve, cherish and protect. Watch this video to see Germain’s Peacock Pheasant in Vietnam’s Natural Habitat. Our Tours are intensive bird watching …
The most rare and endangered species today: Spoon-billed Sandpiper is back
With the efforts of many NGOs and conservationists, the spoon-billed Sandpiper appears to have restored its reproductive rhythm, and is showing signs of growth again.
Hot-spot for Bird Watching and Wildlife Photography near Ho Chi Minh City
One more Hot-spot for bird watching and wildlife photography near Ho Chi Minh City which attracts attention from birders around the world has been discovered recently.
Best birding spots – places to go bird watching in Vietnam
Coming to Vietnam and looking fot best birding spots (places) to go bird watching near me? Here are three main regions you should take a look